2006-10-04 Version 0.2.0-rc1. Tuples are now evaluated right-to-left as they should be. Also, indentation in emacs now works properly. 2006-10-01 Version 0.1.3. An overdue release fixing two nasty bugs. The exponentiation operator is now fixed (thanks to F. Russell Tyndall for calling this to my attention), and the REPL no longer exits when a runtime error occurs. 2006-02-06 Version 0.1.2. A --interactive option is now provided, which launches a read-eval-print loop. 2006-02-01 Version 0.1.1. Several portability issues have been resolved. rpal has now been successfully tested on Linux, Solaris, and Cygwin. An experimental emacs mode for RPAL, providing syntax highlighting and indentation, is now included. 2006-01-29 Initial release, 0.1.0.